Click here to see the list of all textbooks
- MATH 100 - Intermediate Algebra
- MATH 108 - Real World Modeling
- MATH 117 - Precalculus I
- MATH 118 - Precalculus II
- MATH 123 - Service Learning in Mathematics
- MATH 123 - Special Topics in Calculus Seminar
- MATH 131 - Applied Calculus I
- MATH 132 - Applied Calculus II
- MATH 161 - Calculus I
- MATH 162 - Calculus II
- MATH 201 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics & Number Theory (002)
- MATH 201 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics & Number Theory (Section 02W)
- MATH 212 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 215 [ COMP 215 ] - Object-Oriented Programming for Mathematics
- MATH 263 - Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 263 - Multivariable Calculus Alternate
- MATH 264 - Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 277 - Problem Solving Seminar
- MATH 304 [ STAT 304 ] - Introduction to Probability
- MATH 313 [ MATH 413 ] - Abstract Algebra
- MATH 315 [ MATH 415 ] - Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra
- MATH 344 [ MATH 444 ] - Geometry
- MATH 351 [ MATH 451 ] - Introduction to Real Analysis I
- MATH 353 [ MATH 453 ] - Introduction to Complex Analysis
- MATH 360 [ MATH 460 ] - Game Theory
- MATH 365 [ MATH 465 ] - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 401 - Graduate Study in Mathematics
- MATH 404 [ STAT 404 ] - Probability and Statistics I
- MATH 413 [ MATH 313 ] - Abstract Algebra
- MATH 415 [ MATH 315 ] - Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra
- MATH 444 [ MATH 344 ] - Geometry
- MATH 451 [ MATH 351 ] - Introduction to Real Analysis I
- MATH 453 [ MATH 353 ] - Introduction to Complex Analysis
- MATH 460 [ MATH 360 ] - Game Theory
- MATH 465 [ MATH 365 ] - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- STAT 103 - Fundamentals of Statistics
- STAT 203 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- STAT 304 [ MATH 304 ] - Introduction to Probability
- STAT 307 [ STAT 407 ] - Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
- STAT 308 - Applied Regression Analysis
- STAT 335 [ BIOL 335 ] - Introduction to Biostatistics
- STAT 335 [ BIOL 335 ] - Introduction to Biostatistics
- STAT 336 [ BIOL 336 ] - Advanced Biostatistics
- STAT 396 - Actuarial Seminar I
- STAT 403 - SAS Programming and Applied Statistics
- STAT 404 [ MATH 404 ] - Probability and Statistics I
- STAT 407 [ STAT 307 ] - Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
- STAT 408 - Applied Regression Analysis
- STAT 411 - Applied Survival Analysis
- STAT 488 - Applied Statistics Using R (Section 003)